Arc 2 - Out of the shadows

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| Marc Pelzer | Reynal Juliandy

With the dukes blessing

Weeks passed before the captain and the court mage had fully recovered. They had been unresponsive for several days after their collapse, though Yaena had fared better than Gemon. During this time, the duke frequently checked on them. Despite the...

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| Marc Pelzer | Reynal Juliandy

The ancient ones

It seemed almost unimaginable to him how he and his comrades fought against a seemingly endless horde of mindless puppets, who, unarmed and with the sheer force of their numbers, threw themselves at the armored guards. Although these puppets posed...

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| Marc Pelzer | Meletios Ioannidis

Chapter 10 - Becoming A God

Her protective spell shattered further and further. Yaena became panicked. She had to think of something. But all thoughts, all ideas in her head seemed to jump back and forth. She couldn't manage to form a clear thought. She cast additional...

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| Marc Pelzer | Meletios Ioannidis

Chapter 9 - The Most Powerful Mage

"How dare you speak to me like that, mere sorceress?!" The figure let the protective magical veil fall and gradually became visible. It was a middle-aged man dressed in noble velvet garments, yet over them, he wore an old, worn-out hooded cloak. He...

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| Marc Pelzer | Reyjnal Juliandy

Chapter 8 - Show yourself!

Gemon had been back at the court in Varnas for three days. The Duke, very satisfied with the results of his journey, had finally overcome his grudge against him and spoke to him more often and openly again. In this morning's meeting, he had approved...

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| Marc Pelzer | Lorys Germany

Chapter 7 - Bitter resentment

The discussions about the incident at the border and the resulting tensions were going well. Both sides made concessions. Not just with empty words, but with guarantees. In fact, the relatively young Dan Vara and the old Duke seemed to understand...

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 6 - Daanre Var

Exactly as the Duke had wished, they had set out before the first light of day. The departure was marked by nervousness and the cool morning breeze blowing into the faces of Gemon and the ten-man bodyguard. Just an hour earlier, the Duke had...

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| Marc Pelzer | Reynal Juliandi

Chapter 5 - Political Affairs

The argument had been three days ago. In those three days, he hadn't spoken to Yaena nor seen her. She seemed to be avoiding him intentionally. In a way, he was fine with it, even though he couldn't stop thinking about her. Moreover, he hadn’t...

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| Marc Pelzer | Lorys Germany

Chapter 4 - Strange incidents

How could he dare?! Running off with the court magician and doing so in front of everyone! After his father’s death, he had raised him like his own son. And what did he get in return? A knife in the back. Bitterly, the duke tried to calm himself....

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| Marc Pelzer | Meletios Ioannidis

Chapter 3 - Forbidden Love

He had never seen her like this before. Gaemon had, out of habit, checked the Duke's table. When he was finished, his gaze wandered across the hall. That was when he noticed Yaena, the court magician, staring at him. His gaze lingered on her as...

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 2 - The Duke of Varnas

Eldric Valerian, the Duke of Varnas, looked at himself in the mirror with satisfaction. He had always had a new robe tailored for the annual banquet. This year, his tailor had outdone himself once again. The light velvet doublet was in an intense...

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 1 - The Banquet

The light of hundreds of candles and fire bowls danced playfully upon the walls, adorned with
the finest tapestries. Laughter and sounds of joy echoed through the grand hall, prepared with
numerous tables arranged in a vast horseshoe shape....

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