Arc 1 - Attack of the Soulcatchers

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 12 - Never forgetting

"For the past three days, Thuli had not shown up. She had locked herself in her hut and spent her days from early morning until late evening in discussions with the most important tribe members. It had been a week since the dreadful night, and...

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 11 - Tears of the fallen

The rising sun announced the end of the night. Its rays seemed slightly redder than usual, as if they wanted to tell the story of the terrible events of the night. The remaining fog slowly dissipated, revealing scorched earth and the numerous...

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| Marc Pelzer | Lorys Germany

Chapter 10 - K'sar Guthun a bear of a man

The prisoner had not held back. Frightened by the rage of the axe fighter and the magic of Tirion, he had revealed everything he knew. He was a member of a cult called the Soul Catchers. They had attacked the village because it was lonly in the...

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| Marc Pelzer | Reynal Juliandy

Chapter 9 - A fire in the night

Tirion was still sitting in Thuli's hut. The shamaness had asked him to stay with her while the warriors repelled the attack of the still unknown enemies. It wasn't even midnight yet when the sounds of battle began. The noises that echoed across the...

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 8 - Fight back!

The soft pad had to be straw. He was not cooled down and felt a blanket over him. There was a pleasant scent of some wild berries in the air. His throat was parched. Expecting to be blinded, the young mage cautiously...

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| Marc Pelzer | Ewan Smith

Chapter 7 - Burning Curse

Tirion opened his eyes. He was sitting again in the shaman's old, moldering hut. In front of him laid the bowl from which he had drunken the elixir. It must had slipped from his fingers after the trance. When he turned his gaze towards the shaman,...

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| Marc Pelzer | Lorys Germany

Chapter 6 - Questions and Answers

The night was almost over. Tirion was nervous. After he had given his consent, the old shaman had gone straight to preparing the ritual: She asked for herbs, with names of which he had never heard of, and had all sorts of...

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| Marc Pelzer | Ewan Smith

Chapter 5 - Curse of the Dead

Immediately, the girl was laid on the ground padded with furs. Moreover, some strong figures, undoubtedly warriors of the tribe, instantly rushed out of the tent to repel the attack. Thuli, the old shaman, had crouched...

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| Marc Pelzer | Reynal Juliandy

Chapter 4 - Attack of the Soulcatchers

Tirion was led into a large tent in the middle of the village. It was amazing how hidden the village was among the hills and groves. That being the case he was surprised, when after two hours of walking, he was standing right in front of it, only a...

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 3 - The northern tribe

Deep in the steppes of the north, a tribe with extraordinary people had lived for many hundreds of years. It was said that they could use magic to talk to animals and keep them as companions. Tirion didn't really believe...

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| Marc Pelzer | Fabian Wiestner

Chapter 2 - Tirions Theme

The young mage Tirion found himself in front of a gorge. He had been following the road for twenty-seven days and it had not escaped him what beauty laid in this journey. Forests, plains, and mountains could be...

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| Marc Pelzer | Lorys Germany

Chapter 1 – The world is changing

Something was in the air. Inconspicuous yet steady, it spread. It crept across the countryside, from valley to valley, from village to village. Unnoticed by those rulers who entrenched themselves behind thick walls of stone, but in the mind of every...

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